Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Clearly Riri has been reading my blog, and decided to do something awesome to win me over. Normally, I like to think I'm far too stubborn and principaled to just give in. I mean after all the horrendous crimes she's committed against fashion-manity, it would be remiss and irresponsible of me to just let her off the hook without an official trial. But Riri is much wiser than I anticipated, or at least she's hired someone wise enough to smack her into line. Whoever is responsible, they've clearly been doing their research, cause how else do you explain that fact that she changed her hair color from that nasty bozo the clown weave? That alone would have been a step in the right direction, but she really went above and beyond deciding to rock this amazing snakeskin metallic bandeau top. It practically brought a tear to my metallic loving eye, mostly because I have a purse that matches, so now I have to have my people call her people so we can sip on chocolatinis while she tells me her secret source for metallic snakeskin attire. That's how things work in the fashion world, in case no one has told you. I'm sure she's anxiously awaiting my phone call right now. Life lesson to live by- the only thing better than a metallic snakeskin purse, is an entire matching outfit. Obvi.

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